
Become a reiki master-teacher today! Distant reiki attunement

How to become a reiki practitioner or a reiki master-teacher! Distant initiation!

NLP & Reiki Solutions comes to meet the ones who desire to learn from remote Japanese traditional  Reiki. Reiki is an energetic technique for relaxation, balance and healing, using universal energy. Certainly you heard about of exceptional benefits of reiki treatments, but maybe you didn't  have the chance to participate at a specialized course of this technique.

The reasons are different: maybe such a course was not organized in your hometown and it will not be soon enough, maybe this type of courses are organized at a great distance from your residence and you cannot find the time and money to attend. there, maybe your health at that time did not allow you to attend such an event where you would have to sit for many hours in a chair for at least a few days, maybe even if you wanted to attend, something stopped you : either you were not there at the time or you had to work in those days or you had a very important event in your family or you may want to learn this wonderful technique, away from the eyes of those who do not understand your desire for personal growth and development. .. As I said the reasons are many and various. That is the reason why we offer you the chance of learning and to be initiate in Reiki technique from distance , from your home, in the comfort and at the time chose by you.
In this way, you could make this wanted step for your personal development, without leaving away from home, without take pause from work, without leaving your family and loved ones and with a must lower budget than the one you would have assigned to the  courses held in classic way, because for remote Reiki courses  neither you or us trainers, we do not have expenses with travel, hotel, meal or rent the conference room.
Now is clear and possible! You heard about Reiki wonder, you want to be initiate in this technique, for your personal good and your loved ones, or for you to became a great therapist in help for people who needs this kind of treatment. Now you can do this from distance, from the comfort of the place chose by you. Initiation from distance is just that efficient as initiation „face -to-face”, because this is the greatness of Reiki: being generate from The source of everything that exists, it has no limits, may be transmitted from any distance and can be access by remote initiation by anyone who really want to. Welcome! I dearly invite you to be one of this wonderful Reiki world!
How to proceed?
After you have study our offer or Reiki remote courses, you send us a message on our e-mail address and tell us in which Reiki level  or levels you want to be initiate for. We send you a bill with the amount for the courses  you have selected . After you had paid this amount of money and have send us the prove of pay, we send you the course books on e-mail and we set the date and the hour of your initiation when you are available for this. You will receive the remote reiki initiation ritual according to reiki levels you have chose. Obviously, the course does not end here, we will answer you on e-mail at questions regarding of Reiki learning or practice. Than, you will have to practice more and more by self treatment and by the treatment for other people for theirs superior good!
Below you will find details for remote Reiki initiation for each Reiki level, costs for each level, as well as the substantial discounts we offer for purchasing initiation packages: Reiki Practitioner (Level I and II) and Reiki Master-Teacher (level I, II, III, IV).

The costs for remote Reiki (distant attunement)
Reiki - Level I: 50 USD

Reiki - Level II: 50 USD

Reiki - Level III and IV (Master-Teacher): 70 USD

Promotional packages with discount!
                    1. Promotional package “Reiki practitioner” (level I and II): 70 USD (discount 30 USD compared to the separate purchase)
                    2. Promotional package “Reiki Master-Teacher (level I, II, III, IV): 120 USD (discount 50 USD compared to the separate purchase)
Write to me at e-mail: about the reiki levels you want to be attuned. Send personal data (name, date of birth, location-only the city and country- and attaché a picture of yourself -it is recommended). The fee for Reiki initition will be paid via PayPal. You don't need to have a PayPal account, just press the PayPal button and you will be guided to payment procedure.
Detail at
Details remote Reiki courses:
Reiki course online: Remote initiation in Reiki technique - level 1
                You will receive on e-mail Reiki level 1 info materials, 20 pages A4 in word format, with the following information:
                                - Reiki history
                                - reiki principles
                                - the chakras and the related organs
                       - palm positions for self treatment and for relaxing and balance treatment, palms positions in alternative treatment for different diseases ( reiki breviary for 50 possible diseases such as: headaches, back pain, shoulder, arms, neck, feet, muscle and joints pain, diseases of internal organs, insomnia, anxiety and many other problems). You will learn how to protect yourself of negative energies, you will have more vital energy, vitality, strength, positive tone and you will be more relax when take all the decisions. At the date and time we agree (me and you) you will receive the reiki initiation for Reiki - level 1.

After the Reiki initiation -level 1 you will get for instant the ability to heal yourself and heal other,  just applying the palms on different affected areas of the body (where are lost of energies ).

Attunement at universal energy Reiki, is in fact a initiation ritual, made from distance by  a Reiki master-teacher, in the same way it was transmitted by the master founder Mikao Usui. This ritual has the purpose to remove the blockages of the chakras ( principals energetic centres) and make possible  accessing universal energy and transmitting it through palms to your  own person or to other persons or beings.

The price for remote initiation for Reiki -level  I is: 50 USD

Reiki course -level II .Remote initiation for Reiki -level II
- You will receive on email the Reiki materials for level II, 20 pages with all information about Reiki symbols; how and for what you can use these symbols for your own good and for the good of ones are dear to you, and for your clients too.
- At the date and time when we agree (me and you) you will receive the reiki initiation for Reiki - level II, for receiving the Reiki sacred symbols
- Cho Ku Rei the symbol of light power, is a symbol of purification and energetically charge.Using this symbol you can purify food, crystals, plants, different objects, you can energize spaces, rooms, houses. Your power as a healer will be 7 times stronger first level. Self treatment and treatment for  other persons  will be much effective and intense!
- Sei He Ki - is the symbol of mental emotional healing. It is used in treatments for anxiety, panic attacks, central nervous system and any other affection of mental-emotional field. Helps addictions heal but also the interpersonal relations, balance the cerebral hemispheres and a lot of emotional drama from the past.
- Hon Sa Ze Sho Nen - is the symbol of transmitted at distance and in time energetic healing. Using this symbol you can clean and energize objects and persons who are at any distance, you can also heal situations from past. This symbol also helps to manifest wishes projected for the future. You, as a Reiki level II practitioner, will be able to transmit energy just through your eyes or through your mind to the desired person or place. You will think and act exactly like ones who you used to named them „magicians”.
- You will learn effective methods of self healing and protection against negative energies and also energetic purification technique of persons, spaces and objects, regardless these are near you or at distance!

The price for remote initiation for Reiki -level  II is: 50 USD

Reiki course online: Remote initiation in Reiki technique - master teacher level III and IV
                You will receive on e-mail Reiki master teacher level III info materials.
You will learn about the symbol of Master Dai Ko Myo and it’s applications in treatments and also soul healing techniques. DKM symbol is the most powerful Reiki symbol, it makes a direct connection between reiki practitioner and the Universal Source. This symbol is used to heal the soul , so that the tiring luggage of the past can be easily removed, and their memory does not affect you more.
                Also you will learn how to use the master symbol in distance healing transmissions.
               At the date and time when we agree (me and you) you will receive the reiki initiation;  level III as a Master  Reiki practitioner.

So, you will know how to perform initiation ritual for other persons, becoming a traditional Reiki teacher. At the date and time when we agree (me and you) you will receive the reiki initiation;  level IV as a Master Teacher Reiki practitioner. Your force will grow and all the energetic transmissions will be more effective!

The price for remote initiation for Reiki -level  III and IV is: 70 USD

                    Promotional packages with discount:
                    1. Promotional package “Reiki practitioner” (level I and II): 70 USD (discount 30 USD compared to the separate purchase)
                    2. Promotional package “Reiki Master-Teacher (level I, II, III, IV): 120 USD (discount 50 USD compared to the separate purchase)
 Who address to?
Reiki remote courses (online) address at least of following persons: anyone who want self development or to learn this wonderful technique of energetic healing, people who want to heal themselves or heal the loved ones: children, parents, partners; persons who want to help their family from distance (if they travel a lot, or if they are living in another country or in the same country but far away). For that kind of distance healing Reiki level II is mandatory. Also these courses address to masseurs, employees of body maintenance salons, active or retired medical staff, therapists in other fields of alternative medicine.

Reiki is a alternative therapy recognised by World Health Organisation. Reiki is not a religion, is not a universal panacea. Reiki is a energetically technique for balance, harmony and relaxation, meant to install an optimal state of health and mental and emotional balance.

Remote initiations are performed by Reiki Master Horatiu-Flaviu. Horatiu has given over 100 reiki initiation courses, both classical and distance courses, has performed thousands of energy treatments, has over five hundred students, is a reiki therapist with extensive therapeutic experience, craniosacral therapist certified by the institute American Upledger, is a NLP & Coaching master practitioner & trainer.
You're welcome!
With friendship,
Master Reiki teacher

E-mail:, tel: +40-747-080238
To register for energy therapy courses or online reiki courses (with distance initiation), please contact us at +40-747-080238 or by e-mail:

Become a reiki master-teacher today! Distant reiki attunement

How to become a reiki practitioner or a reiki master-teacher! Distant initiation! NLP & Reiki Solutions comes to meet the ones who...